In the News: Oneonta Herald, February 10, 1864
RIKERS ISLAND, Jan. 29, 1864.
SIR i must Tell you a little a bout the Camp a fairs & how thing Goes here last nite we had a mobe fite bee twixt the Clord & white But the ofesers sune stop it But if they had let the nigs goe they wood Not have benn a sun of the Eemeral Ile left here for the Colord Trupes at Rikers Island & i for my self am Just as well as Ever i was & As tuff But when i First a Rived i thought it hard but now i am Natueralised to the Camp Lif there is a Bout 2000 Colord troups here and one Ridgiment Will Leave sune that Is the 20 Ridg I thout Colord men wood not Make good Solgers but I was greatly mistaken For they are as fine as is here & learn Just as fast as the whites & More Promp & spunkey The wether is mild & warm Spring like Mine to the oneonte herald untill a Beter one or Beter ComPosed & more time i have got to bee a Coprill and will sune get to Bee a sarjant i make the Boys stand a Round as fare as my athorety.… Read more