Born in Stark County
Harrison Baldwin, 5 USCI
Charles Beasey (Bassey), 5 USCI
Joseph Clemens, 5 USCI
Luther Hughes, 12 USCI
Samuel Reed, 27 USCI
James Robinson, 5 USCI
Peter Scott, 27 USCI
Enlisted in Stark County
Nathaniel Beeler, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
Albert Burton, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
Augustus Dennison, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
James W. Johns, 27 USCI, January 1, 1864
Benjamin Johnson, 27 USCI, January 1, 1864
Charles Julius, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
George M. Lee, 27 USCI, January 1, 1864
Lewis Porter, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
Peter Scott, 27 USCI, January 4, 1864
Charles E. Taylor, 27 USCI, January 1, 1864
“Discharge Papers of Civil War Veterans from Stark County,” 3 vols.
Harrison Baldwin, 5 USCI
Charles Beasey, 5 USCI
Joseph Clemens, 5 USCI
James Edwards, Unassigned USCT
Robert Pinn, 5 USCI
James Robinson, 5 USCI
Cyrus Smith, 5 USCI
Lexington Township – 1890 Census
Luther Hughes, 12 USCI
Limaville Cemetery
Luther Hughes, 12 USCI, died June 17, 1912
History of Stark County with an Outline Sketch of Ohio, William Henry Perrin, ed., 1881.
“Massillon furnished eighteen colored volunteers for the Fifth United States Infantry, while, so far as known, no other portion of the county furnished a colored man, at least at that time.” (238)
The “Fifth Regiment [colored, 15 men],” walked in the September 1, 1880 GAR processional in Canton. (254-255)
History of Stark County, Ohio: From the Age of Prehistoric Man to the Present Day, vol. 1, Herbert T.O. Blue, 1928.
“Roll of Honor” – William Garnes, 5 USCI

You can look at the names of the other Black Civil War soldiers, sailors, and veterans
from Stark County, or you can view the Ohio county pages to find African Americans
who served from or lived in the state.