Asbell, Samuel. The Lost Black Legion: A Search for the Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War in Camden County, New Jersey.
Browne, Frederick W. My Service in the U.S. Colored Cavalry. [1st USCC]
Chenery, William H. The Fourteenth Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Colored,) in the War to Preserve the Union, 1861-1865.
Cowden, Robert. A Brief Sketch of the Organization and Services of the Fifty-Ninth Regiment of United States Colored Infantry, and Biographical Sketches.
Dobak, William A. Freedom by the Sword: The U.S. Colored Troops 1862-1867.
Fleetwood, Christian A. The Negro as a Soldier.
Goff, Nathan, Jr. History of the Thirty-Seventh Regt. U.S.C. Infantry.
Green, Alfred M. Letters and Discussion on the Formation of Colored Regiments, and the Duty of the Colored People in Regard to the Great Slaveholders’ Rebellion in the United States of America.
Guthrie, James M. Camp-Fires of the Afro-Americans; or, The Colored Man as Patriot.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Army Life in a Black Regiment.
Hill, Isaac J. A Sketch of the 29th Regiment Connecticut Colored Troops.
Main, Edward M. The Story of the Marches, Battles and Incidents of the Third United States Colored Cavalry.
Mickley, Jeremiah Marion. The Forty-Third Regiment United States Colored Troops.
Montgomery, Horace. “A Union Officer’s Recollections of the Negro as a Soldier.”
Morgan, Thomas J. Reminiscences of Service with Colored Troops in the Army of the Cumberland, 1863-1865.
Newton, A. H. Out of the Briars: An Autobiography and Sketch of the Twenty-Ninth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers.
Swazey, Arthur, John A. Bross, and Chicago Bar Association. Memorial of Colonel John A. Bross, Twenty-Ninth U.S. Colored Troops, who Fell in Leading the Assault on Petersburgh, July 30, 1864.
Taylor, Susie King. Reminiscences of My Life in Camp with the 33d United States Colored Troops Late 1st S. C. Volunteers.
Tyler, Charles M. Memorials of Lieut. George H. Walcott, Late of the 30th U.S. Colored Troops.
Wilson, Joseph T. The Black Phalanx.
Do you know of any other online sources to add to this list? If so, please use “Contact Me” to share the title and link. Thank you!