Websites and Facebook Groups, pt. 1
Videos and Podcasts
35th U.S. Colored Troops: An American Story
"African-American Families and the Civil War," Holly Pinheiro, Jr. on the History Hack podcast
"Black POWs in the Confederate South," Caroline Wood Newhall
Broken Bodies, Suffering Spirits Part 6: United States Colored Troops (USCT)
Camp Nelson Preserved
Civil War Stories Of Black Soldiers: North Star (Minnesota)
“Condolence Letters from the United States Colored Troops,” Kelly D. Mezurek
Giving them their Glory: First Kansas/U.S. Colored Troops 79th Regiment
“Remembering the Black Soldiers that Won the Civil War,” Emmanuel Dabney, Douglas Egerton, Kelly D. Mezurek, and Versalle Washington on the Ohio v. the World podcast
Stephen A. Swails: Black Freedom Fighter
“The Families Civil War,” Holly Pinheiro, Jr. on The Rogue Historian podcast
“U.S. Colored Troops as Prison Guards," Kelly D. Mezurek
USCT Pension Files: A Rich Resource for African American Genealogy, Part 1 of 2
USCT Pension Files: A Rich Resource for African American Genealogy, Part 2 of 2
Websites and Facebook Groups, pt. 2
International African American Museum Center for Family History (USCT Pension Files)
Jubilo! The Emancipation Century
Lest We Forget: African American Military History by Historian, Author, and Veteran Bennie McRae, Jr.
“Montgomery’s Raids in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina,” by William Lee Apthorp, Lt. Colonel, 34th United States Colored Infantry, June 1864
Monuments to the United States Colored Troops
Schuylkill County's [Pennsylvania] African-American Civil War Soldiers: A Roster
Slaves to Soldiers Project
Soldiers and Sailors System database - contains the records of approximately 228,000 African American soldiers
Soldiers and Sailors System database - contains the records of approximately 18,000 African American sailors
Soldiers and Sailors System database - contains the records of 168 African American Regiments and Battle Units
Stories of the United States Colored Troops on Facebook
The USCT Chronicle
The Year of Jubilee Has Come" - The First South Carolina Infantry at Camp Saxton By Rich Condon
U. S. Colored Troops Burials (The Center for Civil War Research: Cemeteries)
United States Colored Troops (USCT) Camp William Penn Headquarters
United States Colored Troops (USCT) Headstone Project on Facebook
USCT 35th Regiment on Facebook
USCT Pension Project
USCT Substitutes in the Border States
Westwood Cemetery's Black Civil War Soldiers [Oberlin, Ohio]
Websites for K-12 Teachers